Who is legally accountable for a defective product injury?

Florida's strict liability system requires the manufacturer of a defective product to compensate the injured victims.

Upon buying a product, the slightest expectation is for it to work. In some cases, however, products malfunction, and there's a chance you may be injured. Under Florida law, victims of defective products are protected by the manufacturer being held responsible.

Aside from the manufacturer, multiple contributors involved in the production process could be liable for your injuries. Florida law states that everyone involved in production is responsible for damages caused, even if there is no evidence of negligence in the design process.

It's essential to note that Florida follows comparative negligence laws, which means that if you were at fault for your injuries to some extent, your compensation may decrease accordingly. In compliance with state regulations, a product is considered defective  if:

  • Its condition is dangerous to the user
  • It will and does reach the consumer in a hazardous condition
  • It differs from its original design and doesn't perform as safely as the original product

An experienced lawyer helps navigate complex product liability cases

Seeking legal counsel from an expert injury attorney familiar with Florida laws is crucial when pressing charges for injuries caused by faulty products. Defective product lawsuits are a category of personal injury lawsuits, and an attorney’s expertise can correctly assess your situation, determine the liable parties, and help you pursue compensation for your injuries. Given that all parties who participated in creating the malfunctioning product are held responsible in a product liability lawsuit, along with those who took part in you purchasing it, you will sue:

  • The manufacturer: In Florida, manufacturers are legally bound to guarantee that their products are safe to use when utilized as intended. Hence, they are the primary target in product liability cases. Companies involved in the product's design and distribution can also be responsible.
  • The retailer or seller: Even if they didn't manufacture the product, retailers or sellers may still have to respond for injuries caused by faulty products. They also have to sell safe products to consumers, including wholesalers, distributors, and other entities in the supply chain.
  • The designer: If the product's defect stems from a faulty design, those responsible for designing the product could also be held accountable, including engineers or other professionals involved in the product's creation.
  • The repair or maintenance companies: In some cases, third-party maintenance or repair companies could be held responsible if their actions or negligence was a factor in the product's defect.