Breaching the Standard of Care for a Heart Attack in Florida's ERs and Hospitals

Proving a breach in the standard of care concerning the medical procedure involved is essential in guaranteeing success in an injury claim. The level and type of care relevant to the situation refer to the failure of medical professionals to sustain the necessary efforts, resulting in damages to the patient's physical condition as a cause of negligence.

In case of a heart attack, the errors of E.R. and hospital physicians in diagnosing it swiftly or correctly can inflict severe and potentially fatal consequences. Negligence is assessed through the standard of care applied in the specific treatment context in which the patient suffered an injury.

How Is the Standard of Care for a Heart Attack Established?

Medical malpractice takes place when an expert practitioner fails to provide the quality of care required by law through the use of reasonable and competent judgment. The failure of an individual or facility to provide sound services does not always imply that malpractice has occurred. Treatment has to fall below an accepted standard and harm the patient.

People going to the E.R. with heart attack symptoms are often discharged due to the predilection of health care providers to commit errors. The most frequent situations when the standard of care is not met are:

  • misdiagnosis
  • misread test results
  • overlooking the patient's medical history
  • mismanaging treatments

Heart Attack Mistreatment Accounts for Medical Malpractice

Failing to diagnose a patient's heart condition in time to provide life-saving treatment represents a breach of the standard of care. It involves:

  • physicians
  • hospital emergency room practitioners
  • cardiologists

Every situation is different, and such mistakes that a reasonably careful professional would not have made under the same circumstances include improper or unnecessary therapy, which can have catastrophic results.

In case a heart attack is diagnosed, medical care needs to be carried out effectively and immediately. Emergency room specialists and interventional cardiologists need to perform exhaustive procedures and examine all available options to apply the proper care.

How Can The Law Offices of Sean M. Cleary Help?

An inaccurate diagnosis or failure to treat a heart attack promptly are causes of negligence and represent a breach of the standard of care. Other factors include providing the wrong medication or disregarding test results or clinical history. The effects of such dangerous acts can have devastating consequences on the patient's health and are an acute display of malpractice.

We are fully prepared to pursue a medical malpractice case on your behalf and prove that a specialist was negligent in offering you the right treatment for your heart condition. Our dedicated team of experts will review your case and provide quality legal guidance in obtaining financial compensation for your suffering.