Miami Defective Child Safety Car Seat Lawyer - Sean M. Cleary

If your child was injured in a car accident due to a defective safety seat, do not hesitate to reach out to our attorney and he will promptly review your case.

How Can We Help?

  • We thoroughly review your case and provide quality legal advice.
  • We investigate the accident in great detail to gather evidence.
  • We work with top experts to hold the manufacturers accountable.
  • We fight to get the maximum compensation you deserve.
Sean M. Cleary

Injury Following the Use of Defective Child Safety Seats in Miami

For children between the ages of 1 and 13, car accidents are a leading cause of death. On average, 2 children under 13 are killed in Miami alone every year and 319 are injured every day while riding in vehicles throughout Florida. Most of these car accidents and injuries occur among children traveling as passengers.

Restraining children properly in a vehicle’s back seat can reduce fatalities and injuries by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers. However, many of the car seats and seat belts used to protect children are, in fact, defective products. Accordingly, they are likely to fail to protect the child in the unfortunate event of a car accident.