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Each year there are almost 400K traffic accidents in Florida. When driving in Miami, you should slow down at intersections. Top complaints against Florida drivers include people who don’t use their turn signals and people who aren’t paying attention when the light turns green.
According to a 2016 study, Florida has the worst drivers. Florida driving rules determine that improper left turns include the following:
Read more about left turns in Florida in our blog Why is a left turn one of the most dangerous driving maneuvers and should it be banned?
If you were injured in an accident after someone made a left turn, the driver who made the left turn will most likely be held liable.
The only times this may not happen are when:
If you have been injured in a crash because of an illegal left turn, you can claim compensation by filing a car accident injury claim.
You may recover damages such as your medical expenses, any wages that you may have lost because of your injuries and recovery, and any pain that you have suffered. Our lawyer will help you make sound legal decisions every step of the way.